Check Out The Following Things That Need To Be Prepared Due Diligence – Due diligence means in the Indonesian language is an inspection activity that is carried out carefully from a legal perspective. Then, due diligence is carried out by whom? In practice, due diligence is carried out by legal consultants for certain companies or transaction objects.
Based on these objectives, the result of due diligence is a report that can be used as consideration for interested parties. Like investors to make decisions for the transactions they will do. For example for the acquisition of shares, assets, issuance of securities, mergers, consolidations, or forms of lending. In addition, examples of legal due diligence can be used to obtain legal status or legal clarity.
Especially for every document that is audited or examined, knowing the legality of a business entity or legal entity. As well as being able to check the level of compliance of a business entity or legal entity. So Legal Due Diligence can provide a legal view or a form of legal certainty in a policy carried out by the company. So, due diligence means more focus on an in-depth investigation of risks that are often not revealed by business entities or legal entities.
Things that Need to Be Prepared
For the implementation process to run smoothly, there are several things that need to be prepared for conducting due diligence, as follows:
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